Thank you for visiting our website. I’m sure you will be thrilled to find out more about Milca Kakete Ministry as you read through the pages on this website.

Singing has been the core calling of Milca. However, God has put a real burden in her heart to reach out to the lost and those still alive in Christ with the gospel so that through her songs and concerts, God can use her as a link to connect people back to Jesus who died on the cross for them. A number of people have been blessed by our songs and used them especially the song Nakung’ang’ania as an alarm to wake them up in the morning, etc. What a blessing! You can play the song below.

In addition to gospel outreach through music, our ministry also reaches people especially in Africa to meet basic needs and empower them to do God’s work.

As you get more information about our ministry, we pray that God will put a burden on your heart to support us so that our ministry could reach the full redemptive potential that God has set apart for us.

Make sure you visit our store to purchase our gospel CDs and DVDs that I am confident will bless your soul.

What We Do !

New Releases

The release of a New Album is on the way. It consists of freshly anointed songs English. Stay tuned as you keep on waiting for this new release and may God continue to bless you.


Singing to the glory of Yawheh is the core calling of Milca that allows her to create an environment that the Holy Spirit can use to reach out to his children, to the lost and those still alive in Christ.